Tag: Indian constitution

  • Development of Constituent Assembly Since 1946

    Development of Constituent Assembly Since 1946

    The Constitution of India was framed by the constituent Assembly , set up in 1946 under the provisions ” the Cabinet Mission Plan . Under the Plan the total length of the Constituent Assembly was to be 389 , out of hich 296 were to represent British India and 93 to present rincely States .…

  • Development of Indian Constitution since 1935

    Development of Indian Constitution since 1935

    The Government of India Act of 1935 -The Government of India Act, 1935 was full of conservative, reactionary, undemocratic, anti-national elements. It was not accepted by any major party in India. Features of the Government Act of Indian Constitution since 1935 Legislation without Preamble of Indian Constitution since 1935- The Act of 1935 had no…

  • Development of Indian constitution since 1919

    The Government of India Act of 1919 Under the Government of India Act of 1919, the dual government system was started for the establishment of responsible government in the provinces. Under this system, the provincial subjects were divided into two classes – Indian constitution Meaning and Nature of Dyarchical System – In the background of…